Monday, March 9, 2009

mY vALueS

When you know your values are, making decisions becomes easier...
-- Glenn Van Ekeren

Marshall Field indicated the following twelve reminders that can be helpful in obtaining a sound sense of values.

1. The value of TIME.
2. The success of PERSEVERANCE.
3. The pleasure of WORKING.
4. The dignity of SIMPLICITY.
5. The wotrh of CHARACTER.
6. The power of KINDNESS.
7. The influence of EXAMPLE.
8. The obligation of DUTY.
9. The wisdom of ECONOMY.
10. The virtue of PATIENCE.
11. The improvement of TALENT.
12. The joy of ORIGINATING.

I value LOVE because we are born in this world because oif the LOVE of our parents.

If people LOVE their fellowmen, and then they have fAith in God which is very necessary for us nowadays.

If we LOVE one another and we have fAiTh in Him, then, we also value pEaCe for ourselves, our fellowmen and to the whole world.

If we value LOVE, fAiTh, and pEaCe, then we also extend ourselves to fRiEnDsHip. Friendship plays a votal role in our lives, wheather your poor or rich.

Justice should prevail in our society whatever color you have. Whether your rich or poor, justice should be given to anyone.

Through education, you gained knowledge which makes you a full human being with proper motivation and guidance, this will help you enhance your social life.

If you have knowledge and developed into a socialized human being, then, you take your responsibility to your family, the cimmunity and to the nation as a whole.

If you have knowledge and responsibility, you'll find a job which enhance your family living.

mOnEy oR wEaLTh
I value this because you can't live nowadays with the absense of this matter. This is very important to our day to day lives.

If you have all of the things in lives being achieved through manner or good ways, then honor or dignity as a man is also achieved by you.

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